7 Days to Die 1.0 and beyond Roadmap

7 Days to Die – Version 1.0 – Release Date, Pricing, Roadmap and more

After 12 long years, the developers of 7 Days to Die have made the decision that the game shall leave early access and experience a “full release” – it’s understandable, as the game’s quality has increased significantly over the 20 Alphas they have released.

They are determined that the full release is not the end though, they will continue to develop the game, through their planned roadmap, free updates and more.

See the roadmap below:

There’s a lot of good stuff on the road map, we’re most looking forward to the event system, who doesn’t love the spontaneity of a random encounter!?

List of Roadmap features:

  • Overhauled Character System
  • Clothing, Armor and Vehicle Overhaul
  • Console Launch
  • New Gore System
  • New Points of Interest (PoIs)
  • Graphical/Visual upgrade
  • Random World Generation improvements
  • Improved controller support
  • Weather System and Biome Progression overhaul
  • Wardrobe System
  • Crossplay
  • Random World Generation for Consoles
  • New zombie stages (difficulty)
  • Bandits
  • UI/Main Menu overhaul
  • Event System
  • New Quest types
  • Trader overhaul
  • Story mode
  • Steam Workshop support
  • And much more!

The roadmap will be updated when 1.0 releases, so check back then!

We’re sure you have many questions, and smartly, the creators of 7 Days to Die have already released an F.A.Q to answer them. You can find that by clicking here: https://7daystodie.com/alpha-exodus-leaving-early-access/

We’ve summarised what we believe are the most important questions you, the players, will want answered.

There will be a price rise, to $44.99 on all platforms and storefronts. We highly advise you purchase the game now, if you don’t own it already, as the value for money will be insane once 1.0 releases, and you’ve paid the pre 1.0 pricing. That brings us onto the next question…

Current owners of 7 Days to Die
Anyone who currently owns the game won’t have to pay a penny/cent/etc to upgrade to the 1.0 version – can’t get better than that! The developers appreciate all the support the early access purchases have provided by buying the game, and this is a clear “Thank You”.

What about older versions of the game?
You can still play the older versions of the game. They will be available on Steam, same as always.

Will there still be experimental/early builds?
Yes, no change there, just opt in via Steam.


What about the console edition?

Things are a little different for the console edition. It will be released after the PC 1.0 edition. It will have cross play, but not when 1.0 releases, there’s no definitive date that it will be added either. The console edition will receive the same updates as the 1.0 PC version. Some features will be stripped back though, no modding, no random world generation, no level/prefab editor or world editor. Some of those features will be added, to match the PC 1.0 version, but at a later date (again, no definitive timing from the developers at this time).


You can find a gameplay trailer for 1.0 here:

You can also watch the game developer’s streams of 1.0 content here:

Dev Streams: https://www.twitch.tv/fubar_prime

We at Pingperfect are really looking forward to the release of 7 Days to Die Version 1.0 – it’ll make a great game, even greater. We cannot wait to see what the developers have added and are confident it’ll live up to the hype. Not long to wait now either… almost zombie smashing time.

If you want a dedicated game server for 7 Days to Die, we offer them with stellar performance in over 20 locations.

Purchase a server here:

You can see our various locations here:

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